Corporate Sustainability
Leading Responsibly
Progressive, responsible environmental leadership is paramount to the business of providing water. San Jose Water's commitment to the environment began with its inception in 1866, when the company helped reduce the occurrence of waterborne diseases by delivering high quality water from artesian wells. Over the next 150 years, the company has become one of the leading water utilities in water treatment and water quality protection, building North America’s first full-scale microfiltration plant and innovating other improvements to water supply, quality, and delivery.
San Jose Water employs state-of-the-art technologies in our operations including industrial control systems to monitor and efficiently utilize energy and water resources, hybrid vehicles, hydro-turbines, and photovoltaic systems to enhance efficiencies and reduce the company’s carbon footprint. San Jose Water is also leading an unprecedented expansion of the recycled water distribution system within Santa Clara County.
The electricity used to operate pumps at our artesian wells is a large expense for our company. Utilizing time-of-day rates helps maximize efficiency and lower the cost of power for all our ratepayers. By the end of 2018, there will be more than 28 miles of recycled water mains providing more than 607 million gallons of recycled water to over 200 customers. This source of drought-resilient supply will offset the demand on the region’s increasingly precious potable water supplies.
The company’s re-certification as a Green Business by the County of Santa Clara’s Green Business Program is further evidence of our commitment to the environment. The Green Business Program is a partnership of environmental agencies that assists, recognizes and promotes businesses and government agencies that volunteer to operate in a more environmentally responsible manner. San Jose Water is one of just 200 Santa Clara County businesses and public agencies that have received this prestigious certification.
The Future
While significant progress has been made, we will continue to focus on sustainable solutions, employ innovative technologies, and provide steadfast environmental leadership to ensure that future generations have access to clean water and a healthy environment—just as the our founders envisioned 150 years ago.
SJW's Demonstration Garden
Supporting the local bee population and providing inspiration for ways to revamp your own landscaping to be more conservation-minded.
SJW's Lake Elsman Reservoir
SJW cares for more than 6,400 acres of our Santa Cruz Mountain Watershed.

Corporate Sustainability Reports
Take a look at SJW Group's corporate sustainability reports to learn more about how we care for our environment, employees and community.
Safety at Work
Safety at work is a priority. Our accident rate summary for Canyon Lake Water Service Company shows our continuing commitment to SJW to providing a safe workplace. The SJW Health & Safety Management System offers a peek into our safety program as does the 2018 Safety Training Hours summary.
Sustainable Water Withdrawal
Managing the groundwater supply ensures this critical water supply will be here for generations to come.
Urban Water Management Plan, Water Shortage Contingency Plan, and Water Loss Calculations
Every five years, SJW prepares this resource planning and water supply sustainability report for the State of California, also known as an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The UWMP report also includes a water loss review and SJW’s latest Water Shortage Contingency Plan. Our wholesale water supplier, Valley Water, also prepares a similar report.
By The Numbers - Energy, Fuel, and Water
Data is available for energy use, fuel consumption, and water production for the years 2017 - 2019.